Rule of third in photography

Simple said RULE OF THIRD  is the lines that present in the display of the camera that placed horizontally and vertically  in the display where it helps to positioned  your subject in the frame of the camera.the rule of third concept helps to cover both the fore ground and background of the subject.its like a guide line to the photographers where the subject is placed in the camera frame to better visual of the image.

This image shows the rule of third line and also the object is placed in the one third of the frame.the nose of the dog is placed in the intersection of two will gives the correct composition to the image.
These lines are placed in the one third of the frame on both will helps to cover both the fore ground and  the background of the image.

Here the tree is placed at the one third of the frame that helps to cover both the trees and the background in the frame.
RULE OF THIRD concept is mostly used in the landscape photography,the composition of the image is very important that gives the beautiful look and unique appearance to the image.


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